Amenity kits

Provide toiletries for your guests in every turnover and wow them up

Kitchen kits

Get ready to wow your guests with the kits of essential kitchen supplies.

Choose what you think it’d make them happy and what would be a peace of mind for you not to run out of essentials again: dishes sponge, dishwasher liquid, garbage bags, dishwasher capsules or just salt & pepper! There is just one first impression!


Supplying shampoo, conditioner, lotion and body wash for your guests is a welcome little touch.

This is the kind of little extra that won’t cost you too much specially if stocks gets automated with the turnovers .

Travel size or for pump dispensers, and together or not with toilet paper, surprise and delight your guests and boost your position in the OTAs.

Ready to get started?

14-day free trial | No credit card needed